Take this assessment to find out.
We live in the digital era. Everyone has something to say and a platform to say it on —blogs (like this one), podcasts, videos, email newsletters, you name it. Everyone wants to be understood, but are we really making an effort to understand someone else?
According to a recent Gallup study, the demands and desires of employees have changed. Here is what employees want: "They want purpose and meaning from their work. They want to be known for what makes them unique. And they want relationships, particularly with a manager who can coach them to the next level."
When your employees say they want their voices to be heard, it means they want you, the leader, to hear them and to really listen to them.
As leaders, we want to positively impact the lives of those we lead and work with. To do this, we need to build trust and build relationships. The truth is that the people we lead need us to become expert listeners. If we listen well, we'll lead better.
Active listening is one of the most important leadership skills you can ever learn. Being able to listen to your people well will not only help you avoid unproductive and unnecessary conflicts but also draw out the best in every person on the team and maximize the benefit of each person's skills, abilities, experiences, and perspectives. You cannot get the best from your team if you do not listen well.
Sometimes we think we're better at listening than we actually are. What if we dared to invite those we lead to tell us how well we listen? Imagine how the team could benefit. Amazing things could happen!
Take a few minutes to take the Active Listening Audit (see below). Ask someone else to do an “audit” of you and your listening skills you. Perhaps do this with all your direct reports. Compare the different audits and discuss your reality. How were the audits similar, and how were they different? Why?
Active Listening Audit visual tool created by GiANT Worldwide,
Effective listening isn't only going to benefit those you lead by making them feel understood. It will also benefit you, making you a better leader and a better person.