Effective leadership starts with self-awareness.
The best leaders are those who work hard to lead themselves better and have a positive influence on those around them.
The concept that people are self-feeders and will rise to a Rockstar leadership level on their own is a myth and unicorn. You can’t intentionally address and improve things you’re not aware of. Furthermore, knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are and how you need to improve isn’t enough.
It takes two things to become a great leader: (1) A person who earnestly and intentionally wants to be developed to be a better leader; and (2) Someone who is going to meet them where they are to help them grow to the next level.
This is the RethinkWork Coaching assurance: That we will help you bring to the surface the limitations that may be holding you back and elevate your understanding of who you are. However, we don’t stop there. We will provide the candid feedback you need with the highest level of empathy because we have been there. Together we will develop a plan and set specific goals, track your progress and celebrate your success.
When you are ready to do the work, we will be your guide. We will meet you where you are to help you get where you could be as a leader.
Areas we will focus on that will maximize your influence:
Developing a strong "personal" vision
Identifying and prioritizing personal values
Identifying and building on core strengths
Identifying weaknesses, and shoring up the gap so there are no blindspots
Improving communication and interpersonal skills
Addressing difficult conversations
We help leaders who are:
Committed to their personal growth and leadership development
Sensing they can be more and achieve more
Looking to have profound, lasting impact for themselves and others
Willing to be transparent, curious, and vulnerable